Zendesk Support

From Zendesk tickets to successful sales

Online Sales Management

Made Simple

Seamlessly transform your tickets into a successful sale using QuoteMachine.

Create documents directly from tickets

Create professional, interactive quotes, orders, and invoices directly from your Zendesk tickets with direct links to preview or edit documents as needed

Instant sync

Contact details from Zendesk will sync automatically with QuoteMachine.

Monitor progress

Track all sales progress directly within Zendesk’s tickets with live status updates. 

Get paid online with branded quotes, orders and invoices

Craft captivating sales documents with customizable templates complete with dynamic photos, rich videos, custom forms, versatile payment options, and more!

Create Interactive 
Quotes and invoices

Let your clients build the perfect sale by suggesting recommendations or offering different product choices with interactive pricing. Plus, chat with customers, collect signatures and take deposits all in one quote.

Receive payments

Accept payments using online, interactive quotes, orders or invoices.

Streamline your operations with QuoteMachine

Connect your tools and discover the power of QuoteMachine’s agile commerce system complete with inventory management, payments, appointments, and so much more!

Integrate Other Tools

Connect your favourite tools such as a CRM or accounting software along with your Square integration for a fully streamlined workflow.

Manage Inventory

Create purchase orders and vendor returns, manage efficiently inventory levels across different locations and suppliers.

Get customer insights

See how many times a quote was opened, which items were selected, if your emails were opened, and more with built-in analytics